The Agency for Business Competitiveness (hereafter ACCIÓ) is the data controller responsible for the processing of your personal data. Your personal data will be processed in order to manage the request you make through this form; send you satisfaction surveys that you can voluntarily answer, in the event that you have participated in our activities or services; send, by electronic means, information on the activities and services related to the promotion of business competitiveness, internationalization, innovation and the attraction of productive business investment in all its aspects in fulfillment of our mission in the public interest, as well as for the fulfillment of our legal obligations.
Provided you grant your consent, ACCIÓ may capture your image/voice during the performance of its online activities for the purpose of documenting, disseminating them on our websites or social media and incorporating them in communication materials for the purposes of informing about the services and activities that ACCIÓ carries out, worldwide and indefinitely; all of the foregoing is without limitation and free of charge. In the event that you do not give your consent for the capture and use of your image and/or voice, this will not have any negative effect on the making of presentations, conferences or any other activity that you perform on the basis of your relationship with ACCIÓ.
You can revoke your consent and exercise your rights of access, rectification, erasure, restriction, portability and objection by writing to ACCIÓ at Passeig de Gràcia, 129, zip code 08008, Barcelona, or by emailing
If you want more detailed information on the processing of your data, you can view our Privacy Policy at the following link:
Furthermore, in accordance with Royal Legislative Decree 1/1996, of April 12, which approves the revised text of the Intellectual Property Law, with regard to the work and the interpretation thereof, we ask for your authorization to use, reproduce, disseminate and/or communicate the supporting documents (PowerPoint presentations or others, hereinafter "knowledge dissemination") used during the interview and/or presentation recorded during the performance of presentations, talks or any other activity that you carry out on the basis of your relationship with ACCIÓ, in any written, graphic, sound and/or telematic medium (ACCIÓ's website, other significant channels of dissemination of ACCIÓ such as portals, websites, TV, the press, social media, brochures, banners, panels, activity reports, publications, reports, etc.) and all this without limitation, free of charge, worldwide, for an indefinite period of validity and for the purposes of ACCIÓ's public interest mission mentioned above.