Add Your Startup

Registration External

To include your company in the Barcelona & Catalonia Startup Hub, please provide us with some details. 
The Government of Catalonia reserves the right to not include in this directory a company that does not qualify as a startup.

In order to be included in this directory your company should meet the following requirements:

  1. A recently established company with a product ready to sell and with less than 10 years (except Biotech).
  2. A scalable company with high growth potential. (see FAQs for an explanation on scalability).
  3. Founded by ambitous entrepreneurs, highly committed to growth.
  4. Highly innovative or technological.
  5. Globally market focused.
  6. Have a company VAT-No. (proposals from self-employed people are not accepted).
  7. Should NOT merely be a consultancy/agency or developing software/apps only for others. Should not be just a website/landing page that lacks activity either.

Download the FAQs
FAQs Add your startup >>

Company data
Mandatory fields

(no hyphens and in upper case)
Please enter the URL of your video, preferably in Youtube or Vimeo
Please inform us also about your capital breakdown and investments received.
If there is only 1 founder, please fill in with a 1